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Hooks are functions that will help you control the modal, subscribe to wallet events and interact with them and smart contracts.


Hook for accessing account data and connection status.

List of possible status: "reconnecting" | "connected" | "disconnected" | "connecting" | undefined

The caipAddress is composed by network:chainId:address. An Example for an Ethereum mainnet address is eip155:1:0xab16a96D359eC26a11e2C2b3d8f8B8942d5Bfcdb

import { useAppKitAccount } from "@reown/appkit/react";

export default Component(){
const { address, isConnected, caipAddress, status } = useAppKitAccount()


Control the modal with the useAppKit hook

import { useAppKit } from '@reown/appkit/react';

export default function Component() {
const { open, close } = useAppKit()

You can also select the modal's view when calling the open function

open({ view: 'Account' })

List of views you can select

ConnectPrincipal view of the modal - default view when disconnected
AccountUser profile - default view when connected
AllWalletsShows the list of all available wallets
NetworksList of available networks - you can select and target a specific network before connecting
WhatIsANetwork"What is a network" onboarding view
WhatIsAWallet"What is a wallet" onboarding view
OnRampProviders"On-Ramp main view
Swap"Swap main view


To disconnect the session call the wagmi hook:

import { useDisconnect } from 'wagmi'

const { disconnect } = useDisconnect()



Metadata information from the connected wallet

import { useWalletInfo } from '@reown/appkit/react'

export default Component(){
const { walletInfo } = useWalletInfo()

console.log(, walletInfo.icon)


Ethereum Library

You can use Wagmi hooks to sign messages, interact with smart contracts, and much more.


Hook for accessing account data and connection status.

import { useAccount } from 'wagmi'

function App() {
const { address, isConnecting, isDisconnected } = useAccount()

if (isConnecting) return <div>Connecting…</div>
if (isDisconnected) return <div>Disconnected</div>
return <div>{address}</div>


Hook for signing messages with connected account.

import { useSignMessage } from 'wagmi'

function App() {
const { signMessage } = useSignMessage()

return <button onClick={() => signMessage({ message: 'hello world' })}>Sign message</button>


Get the current value of the modal's state

import { useAppKitState } from '@reown/appkit/react'

const { open, selectedNetworkId } = useAppKitState()

The modal state consists of two reactive values:

openOpen state will be true when the modal is open and false when closed.
selectedNetworkIdThe current chain id selected by the user


import { useAppKitTheme } from '@reown/appkit/react'
const { themeMode, themeVariables, setThemeMode, setThemeVariables } = useAppKitTheme()


'--w3m-color-mix': '#00BB7F',
'--w3m-color-mix-strength': 40

Track modal events

import { useAppKitEvents } from '@reown/appkit/react'

const events = useAppKitEvents()